Tjay Lay Tardja

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals Okt 1997 - Feb 2018 20 tahun 5 tahun. Indonesia - Finance, Tax & Accounting - Corporate Finance & Legal Audit & Business Advisory Manager Prasetio Utomo & Co Des 1993 - Sep 1997 3 tahun 10 tahun. Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia Arthur Andersen CO SC Indonesia ...

Ferry Sugiharto

PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals Lihat profil lengkap Ferry Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal Minta diperkenalkan Hubungi langsung Ferry Bergabung untuk melihat profil lengkap Orang juga melihat Tedy Supit Commercial Practitioner Jakarta. Terhubung ...

Suwitin Juwarto, SE, BKP

Disukai oleh Suwitin Juwarto, SE, BKP. Having 4 years years experience and strong understanding in Finance, Accounting and Taxation in Service Company and 17 experience and strong understanding in Finance, Accounting and Taxation in Mining & Manufacturing Company. Experience in taxation:1. Tax Compliance2.


DQS Holding GmbH. DQS Headquarters. August-Schanz-Straße 21 60433 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel: +49 69 95427-0 Fax: +49 69 95427-111

Acong Tardja

Finance at PT Sibelco lautan Minera · Pengalaman: PT Sibelco lautan Minera · Lokasi: Jakarta · 1 koneksi di LinkedIn. Lihat profil Acong Tardja di LinkedIn, komunitas profesional yang terdiri dari 1 miliar anggota.

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals Perusahaan | CRIF PT Visi

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals. PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals. Gambaran. Alamat Blok W No 30-35, Kawasan Industri Jababeka I. Kota Kab. Bekasi. Negara Indonesia. Legalisasi Kode AHU-AH.01.03-0217302. Info lebih lanjut. Laporan yang …


Sibelco India Minerals Pvt Ltd Wework, 2nd Floor, Krishe Emarald Building Kondapur Main road, Hyderabad 500 081 Telangana State, India . Site access & opening hours +91 9154251996. Materials. Olivine. Nepheline syenite. Cristobalite. Aluminium trihydrate. Kaolin. show All products. Applications. Metallurgy ...

Sales Executive PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals

PT. SIBELCO LAUTAN MINERALS We are leading Industrial minerals multinational company located in Jababeka, Bekasi. Due to the fast growth in our business, we urgently seek competent individuals who are willing to grow to fill in the following posts: PLANT MANAGER (PM) SALES MANAGER (SM) SALES EXECUTIVE (SE) …

home [cn.sibelco]

Sibelco to enter North American glass recycling industry with acquisition of Strategic Materials, Inc. 17.04.24. Sibelco appoints new Chairman and board members . 20.03.24. Sibelco has published its 2023 Annual Report. 15.03.24. Sibelco delivers strong results despite tough market conditions.

About Sibelco

Sibelco was founded in 1872, initially supplying silica sand from deposits in Flanders to Belgium's major glass producers. Our association with the UK clay industry stretches back even further. Today, Sibelco is a global material solutions business, operating 118 production sites in 31 countries with a team of over 5,000 people.

Product Manager

PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals Lihat profil lengkap vicky Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal Minta diperkenalkan Hubungi langsung vicky Bergabung untuk melihat profil lengkap Orang juga melihat iwan kusuma staff di PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals Jakarta. Terhubung ...


Our Surabaya site produces silica, mainly for the ceramics, tiles, engobes & glazes and sanitaryware. Ngoro Industrial Park - Blok C2-2A, Jl. Raya Ngoro, Desa Lolawang, …

Company SCR-Sibelco N.V.

Part of SCR-Sibelco NV, Sibelco Deutschland GmbH is a German company that produces and sells materials such as barite, calcium carbonate, chromite, dolomite, lime and related products. The private company is based in Ransbach-Baumbach, Germany. The company was founded in 1838. The CEO is Michael Klaas.

P3DN | Home

Kapasitas Produksi Sibelco Lautan Minerals. No. KBLI Jenis Produk Kapasitas Produksi per Tahun; 1. 23990: Tepung silica, feldspar: 10.000 ton: ... PT ANINDYA WIRAPUTRA CONSULT . Springhill Office Tower Lantai 17-20. Jl. H. Benyamin Suaeb Ruas D7 Blok D6 Pademangan Timur. Jakarta Utara. Telp. 021 – 22606207.


Surabaya. Ngoro Industrial Park - Blok C2-2A. Jl. Raya Ngoro. Desa Lolawang. Ngoro 61385. Jawa Timur – Indonesia. Site access & opening hours. +62 321 682 0000.

PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals

Company information. General information about PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals. PT. Sibelco Lautan Minerals. JL. JABABEKA XVI BLOK W NO. 30-35, CIKARANG, BEKASI. Source: Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Note that the official phone number and address might be different from the operational ones.

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals Company Profile

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals is based in Indonesia. The head office is in Bekasi. The enterprise currently operates in the Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing …


Information For Customers Investor Career About Us At present, Lautan Luas represents over 100 international principals, distributes more than 1,000 chemical products, and serves more than 2,000 industrial end-users throughout Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region. Lautan Luas continues to forge strategic alliances with the world's leading chemical …

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals

109 U.S. shipments available for PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals, updated weekly since 2007. Date Supplier Customer Details 43 more fields Covia Canada Ltd. PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals XXXXX X XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX X XXXXX X XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXX ...


Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PT. SIBELCO LAUTAN MINERALS of Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java. Get the latest …

LAUTAN LUAS lepas saham di Sibelco Lautan Minerals

JAKARTA: PT Lautan Luas Tbk (Persero) (LTLS) menjual kepemilikan saham senilai Rp7,6 miliar di anak perusahaan yakni Sibelco Lautan Minerals. Sekretaris Perusahaan Lautan Luas Herman Santoso mengatakan jumlah saham yang dijual sebanyak 2.025.655 unit saham, setara dengan 20% dari jumlah saham keseluruhan.


Information For Customers Investor Career Tentang Kami Saat ini, Lautan Luas mewakili lebih dari 100 prinsipal internasional, mendistribusikan lebih dari 1.000 produk kimia, dan melayani lebih dari 2.000 pelanggan industrial di seluruh Indonesia dan kawasan Asia Pasifik. Lautan Luas juga menjalin kerja sama strategis dengan berbagai perusahaan …

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals info | CRIF PT Visi

PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals. PT Sibelco Lautan Minerals. Overview. Address Blok W No 30-35, Kawasan Industri Jababeka I. City Kab. Bekasi. Country Indonesia. Legalization Code AHU-AH.01.03-0217302. More Info. Available reports. Indonesia Full Report.


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