A chromosome‐scale genome of Rhus chinensis Mill.

Rhus chinensis Mill., an economically valuable Anacardiaceae species, is parasitized by the galling aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis, resulting in the formation of the Chinese gallnut (CG).Here, we report a chromosomal-level genome assembly of R. chinensis, with a total size of 389.40 Mb and scaffold N50 of 23.02 Mbparative …

Rhus chinensis

Noteworthy Characteristics. Rhus chinensis, commonly called Chinese sumac, Chinese gall or nutgall tree, is an open-spreading large shrub or small tree that grows to 15-25' tall. Pinnately compound leaves with 7-13 toothed leaflets (each 2-5" long). Petiole is often winged. Leaflets are bright green above and brown pubescent beneath.

Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus

DOI: 10.1016/j.cofs.2022.100925 Corpus ID: 252253912; Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review @article{Zhang2022PhytochemicalCA, title={Phytochemical characteristics and biological activities of Rhus chinensis Mill.: a review}, author={Yi Zhang and Yuanyue Zhang and Junjie Yi and Shengbao Cai}, …

Efficient plant regeneration mediated by root segment

Rhus chinensis Mill., commonly known as the gallnut tree, is a small perennial deciduous tree or shrub belonging to the genus Rhus of the Anacardiaceae (Rymbai et al. 2016).The genus Rhus is composed of approximately 250 species, which are widely used in modern and traditional medicine because of their high content of phenols …

Formulation of tea using Rhus chinensis (Heimang)

Rhus chinensis is lesser known highly acidic fruit, traditionally used for its digestive properties and treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and gastrointestinal ailments. The parts of the plant that can be used include fruits, leaf and bark. Heimang tea is prepared from dried heimang seeds. It can be ground into powder and packed in tea bags.

Comparative genetic diversity and structure of Rhus gall …

Analysis of genetic diversity and structure of 12 Rhus gall aphid populations and their respective host plant populations using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers revealed that both the aphid and its host plant exhibited higher genetic variance within populations than among them, indicating their coevolutionary history may …

First Report of Colletotrichum fioriniae Causing …

Rhus chinensis is a tree of major economic importance in China, be-longing to the family Anacardiaceae. It is the summer host of the aphid Melaphis chinensis, which produces leaf galls used for medicinal purposes (Li et al. 2022). In August 2021 and June 2022, dark brown spots were observed on young branches of R. chinensis in Wufeng, Hubei ...

Antioxidant and antigenotoxic activities of ethanol extracts from Rhus

Ethanol extracts were obtained from Rhus chinensis Mill (RCM) leaves and used for antioxidant and antigenotoxic activity assays. IC50 values in DPPH assays were 15.96, 18.83, 20.43, 27.93, 37.43, 46.21, and 141.84 μg/mL for TPP, IPE, LLE, Vc, CE, BHT, and Trolox. Similar results were obtained using ABTS and FRAP assays. In vivo …

(PDF) Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis

INTRODUCTION Rhus chinensis belongs to the genus Rhus and the Family Anacardiaceae (Miller et al., 2001). Commonly called sumac, Rhus consists of approximately 250 individual species of flowering plants, with six species found (four endemics) in China. Like most sumacs, Rhus chinensis is a dioecious shrub that can …

Mobilome of the Rhus Gall Aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis …

The analysis of the S. chinensis genome revealed that hAT is the most dispersed and abundant superfamily of DNA transposons. We identified 47,622 hAT elements in the S. chinensis genome, covering 12,144,219 bp and accounting for 3.52% of the whole genome (Table 1). Among all the hAT elements, 990 sequences were full-length, ranging from …

Rhus Chinensis and Galla Chinensis

Rhus chinensis Mill, also known as the Chinese sumac or nutgall tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub that belongs to *Address correspondence to this author at the Central Department of Chemistry ...

Traditional medicinal uses and pharmacological properties of Rhus

Introduction "Rhus chinensis Mill."(synonym: Rhus semialata Murray, Rhus javanica) belonging to the family Anacardiaceae, common name "Nutgall tree" or "Chinese sumac" is a deciduous tree mainly found in China, Japan and North-Eastern parts of India.It is grown abundantly in Manipur, North-East India. The tree bears odd-pinnately …

A chromosome-level genome assembly of the Rhus gall …

The Rhus gall aphid, Schlechtendalia chinensis, feeds on its primary host plant Rhus chinensis to induce galls, which have economic importance in medicines and the food industry.Rhus gall aphids have a unique life cycle and are economically beneficial but there is huge gap in genomic information about this group of aphids.Schlechtendalia …

A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2022.115288 Corpus ID: 248193399; A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Rhus chinensis Mill. @article{Li2022ACR, title={A comprehensive review on ethnobotanical, phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Rhus chinensis Mill.}, author={Meichen Li and Andong …

Rhus chinensis

Rhus chinensis. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 10 Aug. 2018. USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Rhus chinensis in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 07-Oct-06.

Revealing the effects and mechanisms of arbuscular

Rhus chinensis is a pioneer tree species belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. This plant is distributed in most parts of China, and can grow well in different habitats, even in barren soils. This plant can also grow in Mn mine area with rapid growth, high barren tolerance, and normally set flowers and seeds. ... View PDF View article View in ...

Lead accumulation and biochemical responses in Rhus …

Rhus chinensis Mill is a traditional Chinese medicine and a small deciduous tree with the properties of fast growth and strong environmental adaptability.42,43 It is also a pioneer species and can grow in Pb/Zn mine tailing areas.44 Further-more, R. chinensis is a Pb-tolerant species with the capacity to absorb and accumulate Pb in moderate or ...

Rhus chinensis

Rhus chinensis is a deciduous shrub or small tree with an open, spreading crown' it usually grows from 2 - 12 metres tall. The bole can be 6 - 18cm in diameter [. ]. The plant has an extensive root system and spreads by …

Genome-wide identification and characterization of the …

Background. The Rhus gall aphid Schlechtendalia chinensis specially uses the only species Rhus chinensis and certain moss species (Mniaceae) as its primary host plant and secondary host plants, respectively.Rhus galls are formed on the primary host by the sucking of aphids, and used in traditional medicine as well as other various areas …

Polyphenol-rich extract of Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis …

@article{Xu2024PolyphenolrichEO, title={Polyphenol-rich extract of Chinese sumac (Rhus chinensis Mill.) fruits and its main component decrease in vitro starch digestibility of bread: Exploring the potential mechanisms from the perspective of molecular interactions}, author={Xingrui Xu and Lixin Ding and Yishan Fu and Yanfei Wang and Shengbao ...


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