
Phytomining is the production of a `crop' of a metal by growing high-biomass plants that accumulate high metal concentrations.Some of these plants are natural hyperaccumulators, and in others the property can be induced.Pioneering experiments in this field might lead to a `green' alternative to existing, environmentally destructive, …

Current status and challenges in developing nickel phytomining…

Background Nickel (Ni) phytomining operations cultivate hyperaccumulator plants ('metal crops') on Ni-rich (ultramafic) soils, followed by harvesting and incineration of the biomass to produce a high-grade 'bio-ore' from which Ni metal or pure Ni salts are recovered. Scope This review examines the current status, progress and challenges in …

(PDF) A mini-review of phytomining

Abstract. With the development of phytoremediation tec hnology, "phytomining" or "agromining", a new technology that extr act valu-. able metals (such as nickel, gold, and rare earth ...

Phytomining, a way to extract metals from plant

He said the process, known as phytomining or agromining, could involve plantations growing on mine waste or ground with ore deposits not suitable for traditional mining. "Phytomining trials have yielded up to 200 kg of nickel per hectare per year, establishing a potential opportunity and income stream for future metal farmers in …

Viridian Resources

Viridian Resources has developed a proprietary, globally patented and proven technology which is poised to revolutionize the Nickel mining industry. Phytomining is the use of specially developed hyperaccumulating plants to extract metals from the ground and concentrate the metals in the leaves and stems. This metal rich hay-like crop, once ...

Phytomining of rare earth elements – A review

Phytomining has emerged as an ecologically sound technique to extract these valuable elements from contaminated soils where traditional mining is not competitive. This paper presents and reviews the concept of REE phytomining from three scientific areas. The accumulation of rare earth metals in plants is the first stage, referred to as the ...

Visualizing Hotspots and Future Trends in Phytomining …

Phytomining has attracted widespread attention as a technique for harvesting "bio-ore." This technology has potential applications in the metal and minerals industry for low-grade metal and mineral mining as well as metal recycling from polluted soil. The hotspots and future trends of this technology deserve in-depth exploration. This paper …

Soil Phytomining: Recent Developments—A Review

remediating the soil. A variation in phytoextraction is phytomining (PM). Phytomining is the process under which plants are used to extract ("mine") valuable inorganic elements from soil in a natural or in an induced manner for the specific purpose of financial gain after valorizing the produced biomass. The difference between PM and ...

4.1.4 Bioleaching & Phytomining

Phytomining. This process takes advantage of how some plants absorb metals through their roots The plants are grown in areas known to contain metals of interest in the soil; As the plants grow the metals are taken up through the plants vascular system and become concentrated in specific parts such as their shoots and leaves These parts of the plant …

(PDF) Phytomining: Growing a crop of a metal

The development of phytomining requires (1) selection of high-biomass hyperaccumulator plant species; (2) evaluation of genetic diversity and breeding of improved strains with higher yields of the ...

The Long Road to Developing Agromining/Phytomining

Abstract. The concept of phytomining is a natural extension of botanical prospecting and the study of metal biochemistry and biogeography of metal hyperaccumulator plants. Some elements may be phyto-extracted to remediate soils, but the recovered biomass would have little economic value (Cd, As, etc.) and disposal of the …

Phytomining sebagai alternatif penambangan hijau

Oleh karena itu phytomining merupakan salah satu alternatif teknologi untuk mengambil kembali logam emas tersebut sekaligus memperbaiki kesuburan lahan yang telah terkontaminasi. Khusus untuk pemilihan tumbuhan yang akan digunakan sebagai media phytomining, perlu dipertimbangkan tumbuhan yang tidak akan masuk ke dalam rantai …

Phytomining |

Phytomining. As the United States expands its investment in clean energy technology, the demand for clean energy minerals from viable sources will increase. Plants naturally accumulate metals and other nutrients from the soil in their leaves, stems, and roots. 'Phytomining' could harness this natural activity of plants to accumulate and ...

Phytomining: A Sustainable Alternative for Traditional Mining

Phytomining Production lead time is short, as the harvesting is done under 24 months, compared with 7–12 years in traditional mining It has a significantly low capital cost of $2.00 per annum per pound of nickel production vs. $20–50 with an allied power plant cost of $3.00 in traditional mining

Phytoremediation and Phytomining: Status and Promise

Phytoremediation of inorganics is comprised of technologies to protect the environment from contaminated soils. This broad group of technologies includes phytoextraction (removal from soil), phytomining (accumulating economic metal value in plant biomass) and phytostabilization (limiting plant metals and soil metal uptake and/or …


Phytomining is the production of a `crop' of a metal by growing high-biomass plants that accumulate high metal concentrations. Some of these plants are natural hyperaccumulators, and in others the property can be induced. Pioneering experiments in this field might lead to a `green' alternative to existing, environmentally destructive, …

Phytomining of Rare and Valuable Metals | SpringerLink

The procedure for a phytomining operation comprises a number of standard steps, including: (1) locate a site (mine tailings, mineralized or polluted soils ) with sub-economic levels of the target metal; (2) plant a high biomass yield species with aptitude to accumulate elevated amounts of the target metal (ideally a hyperaccumulator ) and …

Phytomining: Trends in Plant Science

Phytomining is the production of a `crop' of a metal by growing high-biomass plants that accumulate high metal concentrations. Some of these plants are natural …

Phytomining: Using Plants to Extract Valuable Metals …

phytomining. 23.2 Phytomining Technology Phytomining relies on hyperaccumulators to extract metals in biomass for economic gain rather than pollution remediation (Chaney 1983; Brooks et al. 1998). In this approach hyperaccumulator plants are grown over (spatially large) subeconomic ore bodies or ultramafic soils followed by

Workshop |

Phytomining is an additional means to contribute to the growing demand for clean energy minerals using metal-hyperaccumulating species that can be cultivated to extract critical minerals from toxic natural soils (e.g., serpentine soil) or take up high-value minerals from anthropogenic wastes such as mine tailings. This workshop intended to ...

Phytomining | 14–16 years | Resource | RSC Education

Learners use key words to complete sentences to describe phytomining. This activity is available as both a printable worksheet and an interactive worksheet. Learners will meet learning objective 1 and partially meet learning objectives 3 and 4. Sequencing activity. Learners rearrange the sentences to describe the process of phytomining.

Phytomining of noble metals – A review

Phytomining is an innovative way to recover metals from soils, and it has attracted more and more attention in recent decades (Li et al., 2020; Robinson and Anderson, 2021; van der Ent et al., 2021). In the economic aspect, NMs have been suggested as potential candidates for phytomining because of their high value.


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